Sample Timelines
The timelines below are examples of how a student might carry out his or her academic and research activities during the course of a degree. The links below are to spreadsheets that contain Gantt charts for each corresponding degree. Feel free to use and modify them to plan your own work.
For reference, here is the link to the FA24 version of the Augusta University SCCS Graduate Student Handbook.
Bachelor's Degree
This timeline is designed for a 4-year bachelors program with 4 years of classes, including a senior thesis or research project.

Master's Degree
This timeline is designed for a 2-year masters program with 1 year of classes and 1 year of research. Graduation requirements included class credit hours, a final thesis, and a submission (ideally publication) to an academic conference.

PhD (Doctoral) Degree
This timeline is designed for a 3-year PhD (doctoral) program with 1 year of classes/research and 2 years of pure research. It assumes the student has already completed a masters degree or equivalent. Graduation requirements included class credit hours, multiple paper publications at conferences and journals, and a final thesis/dissertation.